I hope you too are feeling re-energized and prepared to tackle the myriad of tasks on your list. One thing to keep in mind is that we are here, as ACCE colleagues, to support each other and provide resources needed for our students and our programs. A great venue for this is always the ACCE spring conference, and this year was no exception. We were able to cover a broad spectrum of topics ranging from legislative and Chancellor’s Office updates, to communicative strategies in dealing with micro aggression in the workplace, and sharing our model programs that can be adapted for our own colleges. Kudos to the entire ACCE Board, and especially to Carla, Cindy, Jan, Madelyn, and Rosie for setting up such an awesome program! You’ve set the bar high for next year.
Next, I would like to tell you about an exciting event with which ACCE is involved in early May. It is a 2-day noncredit summit entitled: Building Bridges and Programs: Developing and Sustaining a Culture of Noncredit. This is a collaborative effort among several organizations including the Chancellor’s Office and Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (CCCCO, IEPI), Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC), California Community College Success Network (3CSN), and the Career Ladders Project (CLP), and others. Our goal is for teams to leave the conference with substantial resources and a preliminary plan for noncredit implementation or expansion at their colleges. The conference is currently sold out, but you can still add your name to the waitlist using the IEPI website. Look for further announcements through ACCE and other listservs.
Lastly, I want to wish you a smooth and successful spring term, and look forward to our next in-person gathering.
Liza Becker
ACCE President