ACCE By-Laws
Association of Community & Continuing Education (ACCE) By-Laws
Section 1: The name of this association shall be: Association of Community and Continuing Education (ACCE), an organization of California Community Colleges.
ARTICLE II Objectives and Functions
Section 1: The members of ACCE are pledged to:
A. Contribute to the professionalism of community education and continuing education.
B. Provide advocacy and special assistance, including professional growth and development opportunities, to community education and continuing education.
C. Promote friendship and collegiality among those engaged in providing community education and continuing education.
D. Play a leadership role in the development of community education and continuing education.
ARTICLE III Membership
Section 1: All assigned personnel in any California Community College may become members of the association by the payment of the annual fees. Others, such as vendors or consultants, may join through sponsorship by a college and payment of annual affiliate member fees.
Section 1: Members, Titles and Eligibility
A. Executive Board
The Executive Board shall be composed of up to 12 officers, 9 of which are elected by the membership, the immediate Past President, 2 appointed officers, and a representative from the Chancellor’s Office. All officers will promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
B. The elected officers shall be a President, First Vice President/President Elect, Second Vice President/Membership, Treasurer, Secretary/Historian, Co-Council Leaders for Community Education (fee-based), and Co- Council Leaders for Continuing Education (tuition-free noncredit).
C. Officers must be members of ACCE. Candidates for the First Vice-President/President-Elect must have served a minimum of one year as an elected or appointed member of the ACCE Executive Board.
Section 2: The elected officers of the Executive Board shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the membership.
Section 3: Terms of Office
A. Elected Officers
The following Executive Board members will be elected and serve terms of two years. These include President, First Vice President/President Elect, Second Vice President/Membership, Secretary Historian, Treasurer, two Council Leaders for Community Education, two Council Leaders for Continuing Education.
B. Appointed Officers
The Legislative Liaison and the Journal Editor are appointed members of the Executive Board.
C. Board Members will assume their official duties on July 1.
Section 4: Duties of Office
A. The duties of the President shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To call meetings of the association and to preside over meetings of the association.
3. To appoint committee chairpersons.
4. To fill vacancies of the Executive Board as approved by the Executive Board.
5. To recommend members of this association to serve on commissions or committees.
6. To appoint, with approval of the Executive Board, other non-voting Board Officers as necessary.
7. To have such other powers and duties as pertain to the office of President.
B. The duties of the first Vice President/President Elect shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To serve as Chairperson of the annual conference and regional workshops.
3. To perform such other duties as directed by the President.
C. The duties of the Second Vice President/Membership shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To maintain the current membership lists.
3. To work with the Council Leaders to increase membership.
4. To invoice members for fees each year.
5. To perform other duties as directed by the President.
6. To coordinate registration for the annual conference.
D. The duties of the Secretary/Historian shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To serve as recording secretary
3. To maintain historical documents.
4. To perform such other duties as directed by the President.
E. The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To provide accounting for all funds.
3. To prepare the preliminary budget to be presented at the Executive Board meeting for final approval.
4. To make interim reports as appropriate.
5. To disburse association funds as approved.
6. To perform such other duties as directed by the President.
F. The duties of the Past President shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To serve as an advisor to the Executive Board.
3. To perform such other duties as directed by the President.
4. To serve as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
5. To serve as Chairperson of the Recognition and Awards Committee.
G. The duties of the Council Leaders shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To keep members informed about their particular area- Community Education (fee-based), or Continuing Education (tuition-free noncredit).
3. To serve as lead/point person for their constituencies and promote best practices within their areas.
4. To serve as liaison between the association and other professional organizations.
5. To encourage membership in the association.
6. To work with the Awards Coordinator to identify exemplary achievements of constituents to be acknowledged by the association.
7. To assist the Conference Chair to plan pertinent workshops for the annual conference and regional workshops.
8. To perform such other duties as directed by the President.
H. The duties of the Legislative Liaison
1. Working with the Executive Board, membership and ACCE Policy Advisor to developing advocacy priorities, advocacy plan, implementation and communication strategies.
2. Managing strategy and advocacy efforts on the ACCE legislative, regulatory, and other policy proposals.
3. Working with ACCE Policy Advisor on feasibility of the proposed legislative and regulatory changes and effectiveness of the implementation strategies.
4. With the ACCE Policy Advisor, representing ACCE at legislative hearings and policy committees as needed.
5. Engaging with other advocacy bodies, including CCLC, State Academic Senate, Noncredit Coalition, and other stakeholders.
6. Reporting on legislative and regulatory activities to the ACCE membership.
I. The duties of the Journal Editor shall be:
1. Collect and author content for the ACCE newsletter.
2. Edit and publish a quarterly online ACCE newsletter containing effective practices and critical updates related to community and continuing education.
3. Participate in vendor recruitment for the ACCE annual conference.
4. Support ACCE web editor.
H. Chancellor’s Office Representative
1. The role of the Chancellor’s Office representative shall be to serve as a liaison to the association as a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
2. The role of appointees to the Board are to be determined as needed.
ARTICLE V - Executive Board Meetings
Section 1: There shall be a minimum of four (4) meetings annually of the Executive Board. One meeting may be an annual retreat.
ARTICLE VI Elections
Section 1: Election Coordination:
A. The Past President will serve as coordinator for the elections for the Executive Board positions
Section 2: Duties of the Elections Coordinator:
A. The Elections Coordinator shall send out to the members a request for nominations. A maximum of two (2) candidates may be submitted for each office. Should there be more than 2 candidates nominated by members for a position, the Elections Coordinator will assemble an ad-hoc Nominating Committee comprised of up to 4 members representing various areas of the state. This committee will determine, from the larger list of nominees, the 2 candidates to be nominated for the position.
B. The Elections Coordinator must secure the permission of the nominees to place their names on the ballot and should collect a brief statement of background and qualifications from each nominee.
C. No nominee shall be a candidate for more than one office.
Section 3: Methods of Election:
A. Election ballots shall be distributed by emailing or any confidential means.
B. All ballots must be returned to the Elections Coordinator by the date specified on the ballot.
C. The Elections Coordinator and one other member of the organization who is not a candidate for office shall count the ballots if mailed in, or confirm the count if using a web-based survey tool.
D. The Elections Coordinator shall notify the President of the results no later than June 1. The President shall notify all candidates and the Journal editor of the election results.
Section 4: The Ballot:
A. The ballot shall contain the following:
1. Instruction to vote for no more than one candidate for each office.
2. Provision for a written candidate for each office.
3. A statement noting the calendar date deadlines for submission of the ballots. 4. The email or a web link address to which ballots must be returned.
Section 5: Votes Required to Elect:
A. Successful election to the Executive Board requires a simple majority of the votes cast.
Section 1: Five (5) officers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting of the Executive Board
Section 1: Decision making will be by consensus unless a member present requests Roberts’ Rules of Order Revised be used for a specific issue.
Section 1: The Treasurer will prepare an Annual Budget for the approval of the Executive Board.
Section 2: Upon approval of the Annual Budget, the Treasurer will be authorized to issue association checks in payment of claims for regular sectional or statewide meetings, for office supplies, stationary, postage, travel expense including mileage and lodging for officers of the association and other expenses approved by the board.
Section 3: The Treasurer will prepare a financial report for distribution at the annual meeting. This report is to be approved by the Executive Committee prior to its presentation to the membership.
ARTICLE X Procedure for Amending Bylaws
Section 1: Bylaw amendments may be proposed by any member, submitted to the President in writing, and voted on at the annual business meeting(s).
Association of Community & Continuing Education (ACCE) By-Laws
Section 1: The name of this association shall be: Association of Community and Continuing Education (ACCE), an organization of California Community Colleges.
ARTICLE II Objectives and Functions
Section 1: The members of ACCE are pledged to:
A. Contribute to the professionalism of community education and continuing education.
B. Provide advocacy and special assistance, including professional growth and development opportunities, to community education and continuing education.
C. Promote friendship and collegiality among those engaged in providing community education and continuing education.
D. Play a leadership role in the development of community education and continuing education.
ARTICLE III Membership
Section 1: All assigned personnel in any California Community College may become members of the association by the payment of the annual fees. Others, such as vendors or consultants, may join through sponsorship by a college and payment of annual affiliate member fees.
Section 1: Members, Titles and Eligibility
A. Executive Board
The Executive Board shall be composed of up to 12 officers, 9 of which are elected by the membership, the immediate Past President, 2 appointed officers, and a representative from the Chancellor’s Office. All officers will promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
B. The elected officers shall be a President, First Vice President/President Elect, Second Vice President/Membership, Treasurer, Secretary/Historian, Co-Council Leaders for Community Education (fee-based), and Co- Council Leaders for Continuing Education (tuition-free noncredit).
C. Officers must be members of ACCE. Candidates for the First Vice-President/President-Elect must have served a minimum of one year as an elected or appointed member of the ACCE Executive Board.
Section 2: The elected officers of the Executive Board shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the membership.
Section 3: Terms of Office
A. Elected Officers
The following Executive Board members will be elected and serve terms of two years. These include President, First Vice President/President Elect, Second Vice President/Membership, Secretary Historian, Treasurer, two Council Leaders for Community Education, two Council Leaders for Continuing Education.
B. Appointed Officers
The Legislative Liaison and the Journal Editor are appointed members of the Executive Board.
C. Board Members will assume their official duties on July 1.
Section 4: Duties of Office
A. The duties of the President shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To call meetings of the association and to preside over meetings of the association.
3. To appoint committee chairpersons.
4. To fill vacancies of the Executive Board as approved by the Executive Board.
5. To recommend members of this association to serve on commissions or committees.
6. To appoint, with approval of the Executive Board, other non-voting Board Officers as necessary.
7. To have such other powers and duties as pertain to the office of President.
B. The duties of the first Vice President/President Elect shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To serve as Chairperson of the annual conference and regional workshops.
3. To perform such other duties as directed by the President.
C. The duties of the Second Vice President/Membership shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To maintain the current membership lists.
3. To work with the Council Leaders to increase membership.
4. To invoice members for fees each year.
5. To perform other duties as directed by the President.
6. To coordinate registration for the annual conference.
D. The duties of the Secretary/Historian shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To serve as recording secretary
3. To maintain historical documents.
4. To perform such other duties as directed by the President.
E. The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To provide accounting for all funds.
3. To prepare the preliminary budget to be presented at the Executive Board meeting for final approval.
4. To make interim reports as appropriate.
5. To disburse association funds as approved.
6. To perform such other duties as directed by the President.
F. The duties of the Past President shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To serve as an advisor to the Executive Board.
3. To perform such other duties as directed by the President.
4. To serve as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
5. To serve as Chairperson of the Recognition and Awards Committee.
G. The duties of the Council Leaders shall be:
1. To promote the mission of ACCE in all California Community Colleges.
2. To keep members informed about their particular area- Community Education (fee-based), or Continuing Education (tuition-free noncredit).
3. To serve as lead/point person for their constituencies and promote best practices within their areas.
4. To serve as liaison between the association and other professional organizations.
5. To encourage membership in the association.
6. To work with the Awards Coordinator to identify exemplary achievements of constituents to be acknowledged by the association.
7. To assist the Conference Chair to plan pertinent workshops for the annual conference and regional workshops.
8. To perform such other duties as directed by the President.
H. The duties of the Legislative Liaison
1. Working with the Executive Board, membership and ACCE Policy Advisor to developing advocacy priorities, advocacy plan, implementation and communication strategies.
2. Managing strategy and advocacy efforts on the ACCE legislative, regulatory, and other policy proposals.
3. Working with ACCE Policy Advisor on feasibility of the proposed legislative and regulatory changes and effectiveness of the implementation strategies.
4. With the ACCE Policy Advisor, representing ACCE at legislative hearings and policy committees as needed.
5. Engaging with other advocacy bodies, including CCLC, State Academic Senate, Noncredit Coalition, and other stakeholders.
6. Reporting on legislative and regulatory activities to the ACCE membership.
I. The duties of the Journal Editor shall be:
1. Collect and author content for the ACCE newsletter.
2. Edit and publish a quarterly online ACCE newsletter containing effective practices and critical updates related to community and continuing education.
3. Participate in vendor recruitment for the ACCE annual conference.
4. Support ACCE web editor.
H. Chancellor’s Office Representative
1. The role of the Chancellor’s Office representative shall be to serve as a liaison to the association as a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
2. The role of appointees to the Board are to be determined as needed.
ARTICLE V - Executive Board Meetings
Section 1: There shall be a minimum of four (4) meetings annually of the Executive Board. One meeting may be an annual retreat.
ARTICLE VI Elections
Section 1: Election Coordination:
A. The Past President will serve as coordinator for the elections for the Executive Board positions
Section 2: Duties of the Elections Coordinator:
A. The Elections Coordinator shall send out to the members a request for nominations. A maximum of two (2) candidates may be submitted for each office. Should there be more than 2 candidates nominated by members for a position, the Elections Coordinator will assemble an ad-hoc Nominating Committee comprised of up to 4 members representing various areas of the state. This committee will determine, from the larger list of nominees, the 2 candidates to be nominated for the position.
B. The Elections Coordinator must secure the permission of the nominees to place their names on the ballot and should collect a brief statement of background and qualifications from each nominee.
C. No nominee shall be a candidate for more than one office.
Section 3: Methods of Election:
A. Election ballots shall be distributed by emailing or any confidential means.
B. All ballots must be returned to the Elections Coordinator by the date specified on the ballot.
C. The Elections Coordinator and one other member of the organization who is not a candidate for office shall count the ballots if mailed in, or confirm the count if using a web-based survey tool.
D. The Elections Coordinator shall notify the President of the results no later than June 1. The President shall notify all candidates and the Journal editor of the election results.
Section 4: The Ballot:
A. The ballot shall contain the following:
1. Instruction to vote for no more than one candidate for each office.
2. Provision for a written candidate for each office.
3. A statement noting the calendar date deadlines for submission of the ballots. 4. The email or a web link address to which ballots must be returned.
Section 5: Votes Required to Elect:
A. Successful election to the Executive Board requires a simple majority of the votes cast.
Section 1: Five (5) officers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting of the Executive Board
Section 1: Decision making will be by consensus unless a member present requests Roberts’ Rules of Order Revised be used for a specific issue.
Section 1: The Treasurer will prepare an Annual Budget for the approval of the Executive Board.
Section 2: Upon approval of the Annual Budget, the Treasurer will be authorized to issue association checks in payment of claims for regular sectional or statewide meetings, for office supplies, stationary, postage, travel expense including mileage and lodging for officers of the association and other expenses approved by the board.
Section 3: The Treasurer will prepare a financial report for distribution at the annual meeting. This report is to be approved by the Executive Committee prior to its presentation to the membership.
ARTICLE X Procedure for Amending Bylaws
Section 1: Bylaw amendments may be proposed by any member, submitted to the President in writing, and voted on at the annual business meeting(s).